Caldwell om Europas invandring och islam (sommar-repris)

[Nedan Christopher Caldwell, tidigare bloggat här.

För intresserade av hela debatten på AJC (1 tim 11 min) finns den här. Personligen fann jag Heidrun Tempel förutsägbar i mångkulturalism och Berman ...ev. otydlig.

Ur slutord av Deidre Berger:
"...there's an enormous challenge facing Europe. Whatever the demography might be, the Muslims who are there are there. They're there to stay. The recognition that they're there to stay is, I think, a very important one. And there aren't easy answers. It's gonna create a lot of tensions, I think, in coming years. There needs to be more exchange [...] and perhaps the politicians needs to show more sensitivity to the fact that this is worrisome to voters. However legitimate one may or may not find it it's worrisome. And it's an attack on identity. It's an attack on Europe, in a way that many see, that has expanded very quickly. We heard about september 11 being a seminal point, and of course 1989. [...] It's very important to understand in light of this expansion, it happen very quickly. New borders where drawn, other borders are not yet drawn, in the cultural world, increasingly global world. [...] "]

Chris Caldwell i ett panelsamtal. Först nämns Europas välfärdsstater, till skillnad från det system som USA har haft, och t ex idén om folkhemmet som implicerar att alla inkluderas. En idé som utmanas av den mångkultur nuvarande invandring ger.

Vidare tror han -- aktuellt för Sverige nu? -- inte att vi ännu behöver vara alltför rädda för uppkomsten av högerextrema rörelser.

Och en massa annat intressant.

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