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Climate moviesClips on climate science- Professor Joseph D'Aleo talks about Earth's Ever-Changing Climate (2009). From CO2 Science.
(6 min)
- Presentation by Professor Henrik Svensmark on how the sun can affect the climate on Earth (2009). (29 min)
- Deconstructing Global Warming. A lecture by Dr Richard Lindzen, at CEI (2009). At Youtube. At Viddler. (53 min)
- Human Induced Climate Change: A Load of Hot Air.
A lecture by professor Ian Plimer, Sydney (2008).
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5. (48 min)
- Balance & Context in the Global Warming Debate.
A lecture by professor Bob Carter, mostly on temperature data. At Youtube: clip 1, clip 2, clip 3, clip 4. In DVD format here. (37 min)
- Lecture by professor Tim Patterson, on research on historical temperature from analysis of sediments and the impact from the sun on climate change. (33 min)
- Recent Evidence for Reduced Climate Sensitivity. Lecture by Dr. Roy W. Spencer at the International Conference on Climate Change in New York,
March 4 2008. (30 min)
- Global Warming Every 1500 Years
Lecture by Dennis Avery, at Hot House in Chicago, Illinois 16 November 2006. (31 min.)
- What is Normal? A Critique of Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming Theory.
A video clip by Warren Meyer, presents basic facts about global warming. 50 minutes well worth education. In DVD format here.
- Don't Panic - Flaws In Catastrophic Global Warming Forecasts.
Shorter 10 minute clip with basic facts, by Warren Meyer.
- Don't Panic - A Case Against Catastrophic Warming Forecasts.
An even shorter 3 minute informative clip, by Warren Meyer.
- 35 Inconvenient Truths.
Lord Monckton expands the nine errors the High Court in London found in Al Gores movie.
Youtube: Part 1. Part 2. (These errors are also prestented in this document (pdf) from SPPI.)
Not purely science focused clips- Michael Crichton interviewed by Charlie Rose: clip 2, clip 3.
(The hour-long conversation here. Global warming starts at 22 minutes.)
- Australian Sunday at ninemsn, about people questioning the science of climate change. (2008)
Clip 1, clip 2, clip 3. (The program originally here, with better quality, but now only the first clip of two clips.) (22 min)
- Australian 60 Minutes on Channel 9. Tara Brown investigate the subject global warming. She interviews scientist David Evans, and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. (2008) Clip 1, clip 2. (7+10 min)
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Check this out:
(Senator Inhofe - Consensus in Conflict).
Thanks montmorency! Inhofe is a hero, but I must watch this, and I think that a clip should be at least half scientific to qualify in this list. (You may tip Popular Technology, who have links to all kinds of clips.)
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