Samtidigt som mediernas klimat-lurendrejeri pågår, såsom SvD:s artiklar om att isbjörnar i Sibirien förvunnit för att en WWF-expedition lömskt antyder det (WWF = organisationen som lever på att lura barn bli isbjörnsfaddrar) -- eller skriver om vårblommor trots att jorden kylts med mer än en halv grad sedan januari 2007 -- rapporteras det att Kina har den kallaste vintern på 50 år och i vissa regioner på 100 år.
(Foto: AP/Vincent Yu)
En hel stad på 4 miljoner invånare i Hunan, i sydöstra Kinas inland, har varit utan ström i två veckor och många människor har naturligtvis dött. (Se dagens Gateway Pundit-post om läget i södra Asien.)
(Fler bilder på Yahoo.)
En kines skrev just en läsvärd personlig vittnesskildring i en kommentar på Gateway Pundit:
"I live in northern Hunan Province and thought I would share my personal experience. From my point of view the problems do not come from extreme weather but from no one being prepared for it, me included.
Usually we have snow once or twice a year, we wake up and see the white and it is lovely but it is usually gone by the afternoon. This time we had only 3 or 4 inches of snow at any time but the ice was bad. There is no snow/ice removal equipment. Drivers do not know how to drive in these kinds of conditions.
I had no water for 8 days because of frozen pipes. I finally got desperate/smart and poured 2 small kettles of hot water on the pipes and water flowed. From then on I left it dripping. A simple solution for a very uncomfortable situation.
In the north of China everyone has coal powered central heat. In the south we don't. I have an air conditioner that makes some heat, but not enough for 2 rooms and the kitchen and bathroom. My bathroom and kitchen were 4c, another room 6c, another 9c.
My windows were very leaky. I put plastic on one and it bubbled out into the room about 18", showing how much north wind was coming in and how much warm air was going out. ..."
Läs klart JFarreast's berättelse här.
Uppdatering: Oops! Rätt ska vara rätt! I två kortare artiklar i går och i dag nämner SvD kylan i Kina i samband med råttans år (inte i klimatanalyserande kontext).
Andra bloggar om: samhälle, miljö, Kina, Asien, klimat, klimatet, klimathotet, klimatalarmism, växthuseffekten, alarmism, mediekritik, väder, kyla, global cooling
Gudsmannen – kapitel 22
6 timmar sedan
One response to “Draken fryser! Svenskan tiger?”
The CNN Meteorologist saying that the Man-Made Climate Change theory is "arrogant" is a great advancement in the cause of educating the masses with the truth. Hopefully more of the MSM will start speaking out. The word is spreading, tell all your friends and family, and tell them to do the same.
Gore and his Man-Bear-Pig. The politicians on board with this scam must be simply out of their minds.
For one thing, there’s plenty of oil and NG, we just need to drill for it and refine it. Also expand and improve nuclear, wind, hydro, solar and hemp fuel.
Can’t anybody talk some sense into Gore, McCain, Bush and Obama about how temperatures rise first, and THEN carbon-dioxide levels rise.
Carbon-dioxide doesn’t cause warming, sun activity does, warming causes CO2 levels to rise.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
humans’ breath is poison
just one child hurts the world
worse than a jet engine
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
don't research all theories
put an end to all debate
silence all your critics
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
spread hysteria
wildly exaggerate
scare little kids not ready
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
keep people all worked up
about global warming
despite inconvenient facts
All real freedom starts with freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech there can be no real freedom.
The Great Global Warming Scam Movie
Philosophy of Liberty Cartoon
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