Tre röster om muslimska länders uppror. Ser ni skillnad?

Ca 7 minuter in i Reinfeldts Almedalstal, 3 juli 2011:
"Nu kommer den arabiska våren! Det är inget rop på jihad eller bin Laden. Det är ett rop på precis samma frihet och öppen och väg till demokrati som vi känner världen över och som bär unga människor och som förenar Internet-sökande ungdomar i jakt på en bättre framtid. Som lyfter bort, som trycker bort diktaturerna, diktatorerna som flyr. Det är den utveckling vi har. I en värld där Mladic och Karadzic sitter i Haag så har någonting positivt faktiskt hänt, och vi har sett det ske framför våra ögon."

Nämnde i mars, här, hur Muslimska brödraskapet tar kontroll över valprocessen. Här Christopher Hutchins i -- observera! -- valda stycken ur en artikel i Vanity Fairs aprilnummer. Hitchens ger sin pessimism nyanser.
"I was a small-time eyewitness to those “bliss was it in that dawn” episodes, having been in Lisbon in 1974, South Korea in 1985, Czechoslovakia in 1988, Hungary and Romania in 1989, and Chile and Poland and Spain at various points along the transition. I also watched some of the early stages of the historic eruption in South Africa. And in Egypt, alas—except for the common factor of human spontaneity and irrepressible dignity, what Saul Bellow called the “universal eligibility to be noble”—I can’t find any parallels, models, or precedents at all. [...]

[...] Neither in exile nor in the country itself is there anybody who even faintly resembles a genuine opposition leader. With the partial exception of the obsessively cited Muslim Brotherhood, the vestigial political parties are emaciated hulks. The strongest single force in the state and the society—the army—is a bloated institution heavily invested in the status quo. [...]

The same day on which I write was to have been a “Day of Rage” in Damascus, but that was an abject fizzle which left the hereditary Assad government where it was, while having regained much of what it had lost in Lebanon after the wretchedly brief “Cedar Revolution” of 2005. In Yemen there are perhaps five separate and distinct causes of grievance, from a north-south split to a Shiite tribal rebellion to the increasingly sophisticated tactics of al-Qaeda’s local surrogate. [...]"

Roger Scruton beskriver i The West and the Rest (2002) uppror i muslimska samhällen som riktade mot just sekulära politiska institutioner:
" almost all respects relevant to the government of a large society, the shari'a [...] proceeds by the application of immensely complex sources to the individual case and, while rich in jurisprudential commentary, has produced no body of general laws.

It has therefore been necessary at every epoch for the ruler [...] to lay down laws of his own that will guarantee his power, facilitate administration, and permit the collection of taxes. But these laws have no independent legitimacy in the eyes of those compelled to obey them. [...] In any upheaval they are rejected entirely as the arbitrary edicts of a usurper. Hence, there is no scope in a traditional Islamic society for the kinds of purely political development, through the patient building of institutions and secular laws, that we know in the West. Change, when it comes, takes the form of a crisis, as power is challenged from below in the name of the one true Power above."

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One response to “Tre röster om muslimska länders uppror. Ser ni skillnad?”

JohannaV sa...
6 juli 2011 kl. 12:54

Reinfeldt är totalt värdelös på utrikespolitik. Det är därför han lämnat walk over till Calle Bildt.

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