Raphael Israeli om jihad i väst

Detta klipp från NewEnglishReview.org med professor Raphael Israeli tar upp sätt på vilka islam avancerar i väst, inte minst USA. Bl a nämns i USA verkande Fethullah Gülen som har 85 skolor i USA, jämte sina minst 1000 skolor i hemlandet Turkiet.


Videoklippets informationstext:
Raphael Israeli PhD, professor of Islamic Civilization & Chinese History Hebrew Univ, Fellow of the Center of International Studies UC Berkeley, author of over 26 books on Islamic & Chinese civilization, history, media, fundamentalist ideology, politics, and culture, writer of over 100 scholarly research articles, surveys, and papers in the field of Islamic radicalism and terrorism describes how US universities and schools are in collusion with leftist Islamic radicals, apologetic instructors, foreign jihadists, progressive politicians, and Islamist billionaires in order to destroy the US Constitution and Western values.

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