Artikelns inledning:
One of liberalism's many problems is that once an idea or program is proved wrong and unworkable, liberals rarely acknowledge their mistake and examine the root cause of their error so they don't repeat it.
Take multiculturalism ... please!
Thomas nämner i ett par stycken Camerons tal som kritiserade mångkulturalism, men vill trots beröm kritisera något. Resten av artikeln:
Cameron said in Britain different cultures have been encouraged to live separate lives: "We have failed to provide a vision of society to which they feel they want to belong." Here I would take issue with an otherwise excellent speech. It isn't that Britain has failed to provide such a society. Rather, many of those coming to Britain (and increasingly France, Germany and the U.S.) don't want to become a part of those cultures, which they regard as corrupt and anti-God.
Britain's policy should be to require -- yes, require -- immigrants to become part of a melting pot and not individual vegetables floating around in a multicultural stew. Otherwise, they should not be admitted.
When critics of multiculturalism and unbridled immigration warned of the inevitability of a loss of nationhood and national identity, they were denounced as alarmists, even racists.
The late British parliamentarian Enoch Powell suffered such attacks (and earned many kudos) when he repeatedly warned about the dangers of open-ended immigration without assimilation. In a controversial speech to a Conservative Party conference in 1968, Powell began his address, known as "Rivers of Blood," with what ought to be an obvious statement: "The supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils. In seeking to do so, it encounters obstacles, which are deeply rooted in human nature."
Powell argued that when it comes to multiculturalism and immigration, Britain had failed in that mandate. Looking into the future, Powell accurately predicted what has come to pass from mass and uncontrolled immigration: "Of course, it will not be evenly distributed from Margate to Aberystwyth and from Penzance to Aberdeen. Whole areas, towns and parts of towns across England will be occupied by sections of the immigrant and immigrant-descended population."
Powell wasn't so much railing against immigrants, though his critics read it in those terms, but against Britain's refusal to integrate them into British culture.
And then Powell let the timid class have it with this line: "There could be no grosser misconception of the realities than is entertained by those who vociferously demand legislation as they call it 'against discrimination', whether they be leader-writers of the same kidney and sometimes on the same newspapers which year after year in the 1930s tried to blind this country to the rising peril which confronted it, or archbishops who live in palaces, faring delicately with the bedclothes pulled right up over their heads. They have got it exactly and diametrically wrong."
In 1968, Britain still had time to reverse course, but because its leaders didn't want to be called "racists" and immigrants were doing jobs British citizens were increasingly reluctant to do (sound familiar?) the floodgates were left open. It may be too late for Britain, as it may be too late for France and Germany.
It isn't too late for the United States, though it is getting close. Too many American leaders suffer from the same weak-kneed syndrome that has gripped Britain. Who will tell immigrants to America that the days of multiculturalism are over and if they want to come to America, they must do so legally and expect to become Americans with no hyphens, no allegiance to another country, and no agenda other than the improvement of the United States?
Enoch Powell was right four decades ago. David Cameron is right today. If British leaders had listened to Powell then, Cameron would not have needed to make his Munich speech.
En kanske lte torrt korrekt slutknorr. Vad händer om vi inte lyssnar nu? Särskilt om Sverige inte gör det, mtp vårt allt tydligare behov av uppstramad invandring för att vi inte klarar de kulturella utmaningarna...
(Ht: Immigration Watch International)
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Andra bloggar om: samhälle, politik, migration, invandring, invandringspolitik, mångkulturalism, assimilation, Europa, Storbritannien
2 Responses to “Cal Thomas: Enoch hade rätt”
Faktum är att Powell´s förvarningar var i underkant jämfört den förändring UK genomlider idag, där inga väsentliga tendenser finns till att det bromsar. Britterna ser idag det yttersta beviset av lojalitetsskift i enklaverna, med exempelvis "homegrown terror". Det är troligen som Thomas hävdar att det kan vara (eller är) försent.
I Sverige är det som bekant full fart framåt med öppet bogvisir, där statlig "multikulturalism" nyligen blev grundlag. Att "svenska medborgare" sedan bedriver gerillakrig runt om i världen väcker ingen nämnvärd debatt, inte ens när det sker under julhandeln på våra egna gator. Efter valet 2014 kan det vara parlamentariskt kört givet allt lika som nu; vi står redan med snöret i hand, redo att rycka till och utropa Ridå.
(efter dagens andra kopp kaffe kanske den grava tvivelsjukan släpper något...)
Koloniseringen av EU skulle mycket väl kunna stoppas om viljan fanns. Ta bara som exempel den senaste invasionen av tunisier som hör och häpna flyr för att en diktator avsatts!
Skulle dessa omedelbart återbördas till Tunisien skulle givetvis budskapet direkt hitta rätt. Övriga tunisier skulle då stanna kvar eftersom de annars återsänds.
EU måste dessutom mha politiska påtryckningar få dessa länderna att ta ansvar för sin egen överbefolkningsproblematik. Allt annat är ju totalt oacceptabelt.
Varför görs då inget av ovanstående? Svaret är att massinvandringen är styrd av makthavare utanför demokratisk kontroll.
EU:s medborgare måste välja andra politiker som tar detta på allvar och stoppar eländet. Det kommer att sluta illa om inte annat.
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