Scruton-citat -- hotar EU-integration sociala kittet?

Läser Scrutons "The West and the Rest". Här större delen av ett stycke efter en beskrivning av tillhörande och lojalitet inom ett territorium där människor utan släkt- och klanband eller gemensam religion är beredda att offra sig för främlingar.

"The true citizen inevitably includes among the strangers to whom he is obliged both ancestors and offspring. In any crisis this becomes immediately clear. A threat of war or invasion, an economic collapse, or some unprecedented damage to the social fabric all turn our attention to the historical community. It is we who now must fight, must put our back to the wheel, must mend our ways; and this "we" includes absent generations, as well as those now living. It would be easy for the English to renounce their loyalty to the crown, to forget their ancestors, to throw away the culture and inheritance of their country, and to become "citizens of Europe", were it not for the fact that, in doing so, they would lose the roots of their social membership. The debate over Europe makes abundantly clear that good citizens remain attached to and dependent upon an ancestral "we." In the last analysis, the modern citizen belongs to a nation, and the nation command our loyalty not just because of what it is, but because of what it has been and will be through its own reproductive power."

Även om "globaliserade människor" med allt mindre av distinkta historiska rötter vore möjligt på det individuella planet, skulle det kunna reproducera överlevande samhällen med vägledande värderingar, tillit och demokrati?

Relaterat i bloggar: Axess, Cwejman
Relaterat i media: SvD1 SvD2 Exp GP
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One response to “Scruton-citat -- hotar EU-integration sociala kittet?”

Anonym sa...
14 juni 2011 kl. 11:10

Du ställer en fråga och mitt svar blir; nej, jag tror inte det.

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