Jon Voight varnar för Obamas socialism och islam

Fick precis syn på detta...


Voight nämner kapitalism som en sanning som står emot socialism. Jag håller med om att socialism ruinerar och begreppet sanning borde återupprättas. Men är islam marknadsekonomins motsats? Socialismens närmast smygande framgång tror jag beror på att dess metod sammanfallit med en i nutida akademisk verksamhet där konstruktivism och relativistiska diskurser fått central betydelse och tagit för sig efter det senaste halvsekels avvisande av moral. Det bör ha hjälpt bl a marxism att vinna mark på universiteten. Allmänt undergräver ett relativiserat kunskapsbegrepp alla anspråk på objektiv situationsbeskrivning vilket öppnar för olika ideologiers agendadrivna dialektik. Marxism, feminism, islam...

Voights brev:
"In one year, the American people are witnessing the greatest lie that is cleverly orchestrated by President Obama and his whole administration. The lie is a potent aggression that feeds the needs of people who either have not educated themselves enough to understand the assault upon us all or the very poor and needy who live to be taken care of.

President Obama feeds these people poison, giving them the idea that they are entitled to take from the wealthier who have lived and worked in a democracy that understands that capitalism is the only truth that keeps a nation healthy and fed. Now the lie goes very deep and President Obama has been cleverly trained in the Alinsky method and it would be very important that every American knows what that method is.

It is a socialistic, Marxist teaching and with it, little by little, he rapes this nation, taking down our defenses, making new language for the Islamic extremists. The world looked up to us as a symbol of hope and prosperity now wonders what will become of the entire world if America is losing its power.

The American people who understand exactly what is taking place have come together in the thousands, vowing to try to stay together as a unit of love and freedom for all men and women, from all walks of life, shivering to think that this once great nation will be a third world country.

This will be the first president to ever weaken the United States of America. President Obama uses his aggression and arrogance for his own agenda, against the will of the American people when he should be using his will and aggression against our enemies.

Every loving American for peace and truth and the security of our nation must come out and join the Tea Parties in their states. The opposition will continue their tactics; they will lie and plant their own bullies amongst us. Everyone must pay close attention to who stands next to them. We can weed out the liars and agitators.

Let us all stay in Gods light. Let no man put asunder. We can and we will prevail. God bless us all!"

Relaterat i Twingly-media: TV 2, BLT, VG, SvD, HD, DN, Dagen, GP
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2 Responses to “Jon Voight varnar för Obamas socialism och islam”

Anonym sa...
10 september 2010 kl. 12:41

Menar du samme Jon Voight som tyckte att det var hemskt när folk angrepp Bush, detta fick man inte göra, då ett angrepp på en president var ett angrepp på det amerikanska folket som hade valt honom. Så, nu angriper denne republikanske rövslickare det amerikanska folket. Ja, då går det bra, när han gör det tydligtvis. Så, att hylla något han har sagt eller gjort återfaller nog mest på den som gör det.

// Barnkejsaren

Johnny sa...
11 september 2010 kl. 20:58

Bra av Jon Voight, Amerika behöver en starka ledare som förstår att islam är fienden, på samma sätt som kommunismen och nazismen.

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